Study Abroad Planning


At Wams Advisors, we specialize in guiding students through the entire study abroad process. Whether you dream of attending a prestigious university or immersing yourself in a new culture, our dedicated team is here to help you achieve your educational goals.

 From the initial consultation to post-arrival support, we provide a one-stop solution for all your study abroad needs. Join countless students who have successfully navigated their study abroad journey with us.

In This Service

University Selection
Application Assistance
Scholarship Guidance
Visa Counseling
Pre-Departure Orientation
Post-Arrival Support
University Select Application Assistance Scholarship Guidance
  • Personalized consultations to identify the best universities based on your academic interests, budget, and career goals.
  • Information on program rankings, campus facilities, and student life.
  • Guidance on preparing a compelling application, including essays, CVs, and recommendation letters.
  • Assistance with document verification and submission to ensure timely applications.
  • Access to various scholarship opportunities and financial aid options.
  • Help in preparing scholarship applications and essays.


  • 3111 West Allegheny Avenue Pennsylvania 19132
  • +44 7413 302729


View our 2020 Medical prospectus of brochure for an easy to read guide on all of the services offer.

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Melbourne, Australia
(Sat - Thursday)
(10am - 05 pm)
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